Account Mapping | Aptitude
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Account Mapping

Our Account Based Mapping solution is Account Profiling in a greater dimension. It delivers a level of detail on your Target Accounts which helps you to truly understand the "Decision Making Tree" across single or multiple regions, or globally.


If you require in-depth knowledge of where and how decisions are made within Enterprise Accounts then Account Based Mapping is something you should strongly consider.


What does a map look like?


The structure and make up of a map is based upon your exact requirements, however we do have some standard products that are listed below. The process starts with Aptitude working closely with your sales and marketing teams to gain a true understanding of exactly what information you need to maximise your marketing efforts in the future. We then create a brief based upon your needs, research the organisations you wish to build maps for and then confirm price points and map details.


Map Packages:


Bronze - Individual Location/Country Map


  • Country Specific - One Individual Country

  • Company Overview, Financials, Products & Services

  • Organisation Chart

  • Head Office, Divisions, Subsidiaries Charts

  • Decision Maker/Influencer Maps - Reporting Hierarchy/Team Structures

  • Contact Details - Required Locations/Site Functions/Addresses

  • Contact Database - Name, Job Title, Email (Where Available) - Based on specific Job Titles/Job Functions - Telephone Validated



Silver - Regional Map


  • Region Specific - EMEA/NAM/LATAM/APAC

  • Company Overview, Financials, Products/Services

  • Organisation Chart

  • Head Office, Divisions, Subsidiaries Charts

  • Decision Maker/Influencer Maps - Reporting Hierarchy/Team Structures

  • Contact Details - Required Locations/Site Functions/Addresses

  • Contacts - Name, Job Title, Email (Where Available), Based upon Specified Job Titles - Telephone Validated


Gold - Global Map


  • Global Organisation - Multiple Countries/Multiple Regions

  • Company Overview, Financials, Products/Services

  • Organisation Chart

  • Head Office, Divisions, Subsidiaries Charts

  • Decision Maker/Influencer Maps - Reporting Hierarchy/Team Structures

  • Contact Details - Required Locations/Site Functions/Addresses

  • Contacts - Name, Job Title, Email (Where Available), Based upon Specified Job Titles - Telephone Validated


Platinum - Global Insight Map


  • Global Organisation - Multiple Countries/Multiple Regions

  • Company Overview, Financials, Products/Services

  • Organisation Chart

  • Head Office, Divisions, Subsidiaries Charts

  • Decision Maker/Influencer Maps - Reporting Hierarchy/Team Structures

  • Contact Details - Required Locations/Site Functions/Addresses

  • Contacts - Name, Job Title, Email (Where Available), Based upon Specified Job Titles - Telephone Validated


Company Insights:


  • Company Ambition/Growth

  • Customer Challenges

  • Goals/Aims

  • Anecdotal Observations - Senior Contacts

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