Privacy Policy | Aptitude
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Aptitude Privacy Policy

Natural Aptitude Ltd provides a range of Marketing and Lead Generation Services and is committed to protecting data that we collect from you. By using our services you agree to the use of data we capture in accordance to this Privacy Policy.


Our Commitment to Protecting your Privacy:

Your use of this website gives us the right to collect information about you and this Policy outlines the different methods/processes we may use to do it.


IP Address Lookup:

We use third parties to provide information on the visitors we have to our websites. When you visit our websites your IP address is recorded and then matched to a public proprietary IP address database to provide us with information about your visit. The information we obtain may identify the Company who owns the IP Address but not the individuals. In some cases, it may be possible to identify personal data from publicly available ICANN data.


Website Cookies and Link Tracking:

Storing cookies allows us to provide a more efficient customer experience by you not having to re enter lots of information. By using cookies it also allows us to remember what the links and pages you have clicked on or viewed during every session. If on any of our pages you have provided us with your personal data (such as completing a contact us form) we may associate it with other information. This allows us to keep a track of what is most relevant to you.


You can manage your browser controls to control the cookies that we capture and store - for more information on this you can find it at -


Information Collected:

If you enter personal information on our website then any or all of this information may be collected such as name, address, email, phone number. We may also collect other information if you process a request as indicated on the website.


Use of Personal Information:

We process and use the personal information captured for the purposes such as providing you with information requested about products and/or services, personalising our services to you and dealing with any enquiries you have. The data captured is held and managed in accordance the Data Protection ACT 1988 and the General Data Protection Regulation.


Other Websites:

On our website may be links to other websites that are outside of our control and not covered by this Privacy Policy. If you access these sites via the links on the website, the operators of thus sites may collect information from you that will be used by them in accordance with their privacy policy which maybe different from ours.



A cookie is a small data file, which is sent from a web server to a web browser when that browser visits a servers site. By using Aptitude’s website you consent to the use of cookies of which will be used for technologies such as IP tracking, analytical purposes and how you navigate around our website. To find out more information about cookies you can find it at -


To find out more information about cookies we use please have a look at our Cookies Policy by clicking here.



We do not share or disclose any personal information obtained about you to third parties unless obliged to by law, in order to complete a transaction, if it's a matter of national security, taxation/criminal investigation or if we have your consent to do so.


We may from time to time disclose information obtained about you to third parties for general purposes such as, number of people visiting our website, number of capture forms completed, number of people re visiting the website but we will not provide any information that could identify individuals.


Changes to this Privacy Policy:

This Privacy Policy was last updated in May 2020, any further updates to this policy will be placed here and will supersede this policy. We will do as much as we can to draw your attention to any changes made however, we do recommend that you read this policy whenever you visit our website.



If you wish to contact us regarding any questions you may have about this Privacy Policy please call us on 0203 988 4500, or email – You can also use these contact methods if you wish for your details to be removed from any lists under our control.

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